"Trash Your Can "
So where do I go now? I would love to drive up to a
hunting expo in a big 4 wheel drive camoed truck to grab the attention of
people. Or go to a fishing tournament in a matching truck/boat design, not to
win, but to talk about smokeless tobacco. Maybe show up at the races and
counter the tobacco companies that give away their product at these events. And
yes, they still do it. And to be able to show up at rodeos and speak about oral
cancer and dipping, wow. Yep, I would love to do these things, but I am a
My plan is to go into schools. But also tap into
areas I have never seen this before. Hunting Expos, Fishing shows or even
tournaments,and even racing events. I have attended all these events before,
and at each you numerous dippers. Usually there is even booths from the
smokeless tobacco companies themselves at these shows giving out free samples.
I know, because I would flock to these booths to get mine. A program like this
has never been done at the events that bring in the most "dippers".
Maybe someday, I can make this my reality.
Now they even use sex to sell the product. Whether
it's a poster of a beautiful woman touting smokeless or having several
"sexy" women at their booths at the above mentioned events to draw
guys in. I am old enough to see this kind of advertisement for what it is. But
teens and young adults can and will be influenced by it. I am not looking for a
confrontation with the booths, but I am wanting to let people know the things
that can happen from using smokeless.
My reason for adding this page is I don't want this to
be just a small local program. I want to carry my message to anyone willing to
listen. Please contact me if you are interested in me speaking at your event,
school, show etc. And if you, someone you know, or your company would like to
sponsor me on this quest, I would be glad to hear from you.
Can You Quit Smokeless Tobacco?
As for ways to quit. Mine was drastic and I hope no
one will have to do it that way. One study done and posted on
NIDA (the National Institute on Drug Abuse) speaks of using
the patch. I had never really thought of this as I always associated the patch
with smokers. But the drug is nicotine, no matter the source.
Learn as much as you can about not just the cancer
but the battle during and after treatment. There is no shortage of books
dealing with these topics. Books such as
Meeting the Challenges of Oral and Head and Neck Cancer help you understand what
is in store should you or someone close to you have cancer.
U.S. Dept. of Health puts out an inexpensive
booklet with information on symptoms, treatments and so forth reguarding oral
cancer. Simply put, educate yourself and move forward with confidence.
So what about the oral fixation? What do you do to
cope with the "craves"? There are a multitute of ways to get around
that. The first of course is mentally. But that doesn't always work the best
for some of us. So then we look for substitutes. The first time I quit, I
substituted plain old gum for it along with developing a love for tooth picks.
The tooth picks satisfied the oral fixation that dippers have. And took a
little sting out of the nicotine withdrawal. No matter what product you chose,
be sure to do your homework on it. Consult a doctor if you have doubts. Talk
with people who have used the products. Read reviews. Educate yourself on all
your choices.
I have been asked also about "non-tobacco"
alternatives. Unfortunately I didn't find these before getting cancer. But you
still have a chance. There are several on the market and each come in different
flavors much like smokeless tobacco. One that I have tried is Bacc Off.
Off is the premier smokeless tobacco alternative. No tobacco, no nicotine, no
regrets. Quit dip, stop smoking, and stop chewing tobacco, with Bacc Off
non-tobacco chew. Straight, Mint, Wintergreen, or pouches. Yes, I have used
it. Even after my operation.
non-tobacco substitute is Jake's Mint. It's a newer product but growing
rapidly. You can find a sampler pack like this one ...Jake's
Mint Chew - 6 Can Sampler Pack (Cinnamon + Wintergreen) . There is also
Mountain Snuff - 6 Can Sampler Pack (Wintergreen + Arctic Mint) . Both of the above are
the sample packs with a variety of flavors but each can be bought in your
favorite flavor.
What if you don't want to use anything that resembles
tobacco to help in your quit but still need that little something? You can
always try jerky! I love jerky, perhaps too much sometimes. One of my favorites
I will drive 180 mile round trip for. And easier solution is another favorite.
Earlier this year I was introduced to Lucky Beef jerky out of Nebraska. I won a
Brand Jerky Patriot Jerky Ammo Can on a social site and
was soon hooked on it. Just like with the non-tobacco substitutes listed above,
Lucky jerky comes in many flavors and configurations. So try some and find what
works best for you.